Adult Meetup
We run the largest adult meetup in Colorado Springs! We host usually around 30 meetups a year (March through October). They are typically on Friday nights at 6 pm at Memorial Park. We reserve all 15 courts and take the first 60 people who RSVP. We have over 1,200 people attend our meetup each year.
The first meetup you attend is always free. It's then just $5 per meetup after that. You pay once you arrive. Tennis balls are not provided. You just bring your own. Meetup is for NTRP rated 2.5 and above.

Get on the Email Blast
An email is sent every Monday morning letting you know when the meetup will be each week. The meetups are typically on Friday nights at 6 pm, but this will always tell you the night it will be for the upcoming week.
RSVP for the Meetup
There is a link on the email blast to RSVP for that week's meetup. Simply click the RSVP link if you are going to attend that week.
You are able to cancel your RSVP during the week. If you RSVP and then "no-show", you then are on a 3-week suspension.

Tell us what your skill level is and what you want to play
Once you open the link, it will have a question asking what you skill level is and what you want to play. Based on who RSVP'd for that week's meetup, we then set up the courts, making sure we have everyone playing against similar level players.
Show up!
You arrive at Memorial Park, check-in at the pro shop and you'll be given your court number for the night! Then you go out an play! Super easy. Super casual. Super fun!
There is no reporting scores. You can switch partners and play for as long as you want!